5 Ways Recruiters can Hold Hiring Managers Accountable

As a recruiter, you have a responsibility to your client to set expectations and deliver results every time you accept an assignment. This takes collaboration and accountability from you, the candidate and the hiring manager. Holding hiring managers accountable to fulfill their roles in the hiring process takes some finesse but is crucial to delivering optimal results. Here are five tips on how to successfully collaborate with and hold hiring managers accountable throughout the hiring process.

1. Schedule a Kick-off Call

This initial meeting should be used to establish communication, set goals and expectations, and clarify details of the position and the hiring process. Establish the best way to communicate, discuss turnaround time and other decision makers involved in the hiring process, and choose a method and time for status updates. This initial meeting eliminates confusion, clearly outlines each person’s responsibilities, and opens the door for regular collaboration and communication throughout the hiring process.

2. Establish Service Level Agreement (SLA)

In a service level agreement, each step in the hiring process is identified. The SLA can include a metric for days-to-fill positions and outline dates or turnaround times for deliverables and decisions from the manager. The first step is for recruiters to work with managers to define the steps in the hiring process, as well as acceptable wait times. After goals are established, recruiters can take the steps necessary to achieve their goals and refer back to the agreement when hiring managers fail to adhere to the terms of their deliverables.

3. Check In

Filling a position is most likely far from your hiring manager’s only responsibility. It’s your job to make sure interviewing candidates and making a hiring decision stays on their priority list. Check in on a regular basis and request frequent updates during process stalls. Ask for feedback after a candidate is interviewed and be sure and to keep the hiring manager informed of any candidate news or changes as well. Frequent check ins shows commitment to your goals, keeps communication open and helps avoid conflicts and surprises during the process.

4. Provide Examples for the Hiring Manager

Provide the hiring manager with screen shots from potential candidates to give them an idea of the type of candidate you anticipate submitting. This simple step gives the hiring manager an opportunity to offer more specifics about what they’re looking for in a candidate and helps clarify expectations.

5. Create a Hiring Score Card

A score card, which can be based on market analytics or metrics from previous experiences, will help hiring managers visualize how easy or difficult it will be to fill their positions. It can factor in items such as salary, unemployment, demand, competing organizations and other market conditions to help set realistic goals.

A big part of being a successful recruiter is establishing trust and communication with hiring managers. While you are ultimately responsible for making placements and delivering results, you can’t do it without cooperation from your hiring managers, which requires collaboration and accountability from both parties.

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